Network Activities

Case Studies in Service Innovation: Two day conference: June 14th/15th 2010

Case studies in Service Innovation > Hot topics in Service Research

Hot Topics in Service Research

Hosted by The Customer Research Academy (CRA) and the Customer, Retail, Innovation and Service research centre (CRIS)

One of currently most talked about articles is Ostrom et al. (2010) "Moving Forward and Making a Difference: Research Priorities for the Science of Service" in the Journal of Service Research. Enlarging on this theme, four renowned service researchers who have a strong reputation in the service field, Professor Tom Baker, Professor Dwayne Gremler, Professor Ko de Ruyter and Professor Steve Baron will present their views on the Hot Topics in Service Research before discussion and debate with the audience. This promises to be a lively and thought-provoking event with contributions from many aspects of contemporary service research in the US, Europe and the UK.

Dr. Thomas L. Baker, Clemson University USA, currently President of the Services Marketing Special Interest Group (SERVSIG) of the American Marketing Association, His research interests are primarily in the area of Services Marketing and Social Media. He is currently involved in projects which investigate the impact of discriminatory attributions on service failure/recovery perceptions among both Black and White customers.

Professor Steve Baron , University of Liverpool Management School, UK, is interested in services marketing, consumer-to-consumer interactions in service settings, consumer experiences, retail theatre, service recovery/continuity, technology-based services. He is co-author of textbooks on services marketing and relationship marketing.

Professor Dwayne D. Gremler is the co-author of the leading textbook "Services Marketing" (together with Zeithaml & Bitner). Dr. Gremler is a professor of Marketing at Bowling Green State University and researches in the field of services marketing and management.

Prof. dr. Ko de Ruyter is Professor of Interactive Marketing and Professor of International Service Research at Maastricht University. His research interests concern international service management, e-commerce and customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

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